Greetings Hyattsville Friends & Neighbors,
It is with joy and honor that I have decided to run for Mayor of our beloved City of Hyattsville and I am asking for your support and your vote!
This is a campaign for people who choose not to casually walk in this world, that we as a community are building, but rather seek to roll-up their sleeves and build it better. I have served on the City Council representing Ward 5 since 2013. During this time, I have led on the establishment of multiple initiatives such as: the Firearm Buy-Back program, affordable housing study, Senior Meals on Wheels Program, hiring a full-time Senior Services Coordinator, the body-worn camera mandate, the Health Wellness & Recreation Committee, the Police & Public Safety Citizens’ Advisory Committee, and initiating the renaming of Magruder Park.
This is a campaign for those looking into the eyes of their children, parents, grandparents and loved ones, resolved not to accept our world within walking distance as it is but rather strive to build a better, safer, cleaner, and more sustainable community. As past council liaison to the Hyattsville Educational Facilities Taskforce, promoting and securing quality schools for children will continue to be a priority.
This is a campaign for those who seek a bold and inclusive vision for the future of Hyattsville, one that includes: rebuilding our economy and financial capacity post-COVID-19, expanding services and support for parents and seniors, reimagining housing affordability for renters and homeowners, environmental stewardship, improved customer service from City Departments, and promoting participatory policy and decision-making.
It is my desire that we build a City that is not just our inspiration but one that is an inspiration for our children and future generations to come. A City that will serve as a model on responsible, transparent, and effective governance to other jurisdictions in the County, the State and across the country. I understand that moving our City in a new direction will require proven leadership and the ability to build partnerships. During my 8 years as a member of the City Council, I have also served as President of the Prince George’s County Municipal Association, Vice-President of the Prince George’s County Young Democrats, Treasurer of the Maryland Municipal League, Chair of the Prince George’s County Legacy Renaming Commission, and member of the State of Maryland Body Worn Camera Task Force. Thus, I stand both ready to lead and able to leverage my relationships across our State and County to accomplish these goals.
I humbly ask for your vote and please join me in a campaign to build a better place to live, a better place to work, a better place to play, and a better place to pray.
A platform for better
This is a campaign for people who choose not to casually walk in this world, that we as a community are building, but rather seek to roll-up their sleeves and build it better.