On faith, shortly after overcoming a devastating experience with the criminal justice system, I moved into the City of Hyattsville and ran for City Council. After my traumatic experience, while contemplating my frustration with a criminal justice system that offers no safeguards for African-American males, even in the face of clear and overwhelming evidence of innocence; I found myself in a moment of prayer and reflection, transfixed by an article in the local paper, “The Wild West, Who Will Run?”.
Viewing this headline as an invitation to be the catalyst for the change I sought, I ran and I won. As a member of the City Council, my closest relationships have been with those who faithfully took an oath, before God, to serve the public. Furthermore it is on the votes of those members that my most significant policy initiatives have come to pass. That is because despite the philosophical differences amongst our political backgrounds, we have stood together in the understanding that municipal governance is more than a battle of progressive and conservative ideologies, but rather a call to the caring and kind-hearted across the political spectrum saying “come, let’s do what is right.”

While I respect the separation between religion and politics, I reject completely the notion that religion can not be a strong partner in the development of humane policies and laws. I view religion and politics as being complementary and that should continue to inform each other as we thrive to build a better society. For this reason, I have supported the coalition of Hyattsville churches who provide services to assist our officers, our homeless, our food-insecure; and provide spiritual guidance, support and counsel to many believers in our community. Not only I have reached out to our churches to support events, such as the vigil for life at University Towncenter in the wake of yet another tragic police shootings, but I have also advocated that our City is supporting our churches with grant funding to help offset COVID-19 expenditures on Hyattsville residents and services.
As Mayor I will continue to build and strengthen the relationships with our faith-based communities and institutions. I strongly believe in the teaching that to love God is to love one another and our environment, and to serve God is to serve his children while being good stewards to his creations.
It is my intention and my prayer, that in my time as both a current Council Member and your future Mayor, that our children and families be blessed and prioritized. This is why I support and will advocate for better schools, affordable childcare options, the expansion of services for our seniors, and effective and inclusive economic and health policy initiatives as we emerge from the COVID-19 pandemic. And finally I pray that our environment be protected and reflects God’s beautiful creation and gift unto mankind, which is why as Mayor I will pursue environmentally sustainable policies and the development of a plan toward a zero net energy carbon neutral Hyattsville.
Be blessed Hyattsville!!
This is a campaign for people who choose not to casually walk in this world, that we as a community are building, but rather seek to roll-up their sleeves and build it better.